Happy New Year! I hope the Christmas break brought you all some rest and relaxation. It is great to have the school filled with students again as we move into 2023 and settle back into our routines. All the best to you and your family as we look forward to a year filled with opportunities for growth and happiness.

Here’s a few things to take note of:

Semester 1 Wrap Up

The last day of classes for semester one is Thursday, February 2nd. Classes will run as usual until that last day and no formal assessment week will be scheduled. A variety of final assessments will occur in the last week or two of the semester so student attendance is especially important during this time. 

Showcase of Learning – Thursday, January 26 – SAVE the DATE!

We are pleased to invite you to our next Showcase of Learning on January 26. The evening will run from 5:30-8:00 pm and learning will be showcased in a variety of subject areas throughout all the grades. This is an excellent opportunity for parents to see what happens day-to-day in terms of the learning process and content focus for each course. This event will be student-led to allow parents and students to come and go between classrooms throughout the evening. A schedule will be sent a little later in the month with the classes that will be featured. 

Art Show – Thursday, February 2 – SAVE the DATE!

Our grade 11 and 12 students are excited to showcase their art work on February 2. It is a “come-and-go” event from 6:00-8:00 pm and we hope that you will be able to join us.

NHS Care Team

Please feel free to contact any of us with any questions or concerns that you may have. We would love to chat with you and offer our care and support.

School Counsellor – Deanna Wiebe  dwiebe@hsd.ca

Learning Support – Raelyn Voulgaris  rvoulgaris@hsd.ca

Vice Principal – Graham Sereda  gsereda@hsd.ca

Principal – Kimberley Funk  kfunk@hsd.ca


Stay warm!

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