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Ryan Blight
Creative Promotions 20S, Retailing Perspectives 30S, Applying Info & Comm. Tech 15F & 15M, Life/Work Exploration 15M & 15S, Reading is Thinking 15S
Chris Burns
Computer Science 20S, ELA 10F, Canada in the Contemporary World 10F, Reading is Thinking 15S, Science 10F
Tony Clark
ELA 10F & 10M, Canada in the Contemporary World 10F & 10M, Reading is Thinking 25S, Science 10F & 10M, Visual Art 20M & 20S, Visual Art 40M & 40S
Giuseppe D'Amico
Applied Mathematics 30S, Applied Mathematics 40S, Intro to Applied & Pre-Calc Math. 20S, Pre-Calculus Mathematics 40S, Reading is Thinking 25S
Melissa Dean
Chris Dombrosky
Nathan Dyck
Trinity Funk
Adrienne Happychuk
Jennifer Hashemian
Anika Janzen
Erica Leung
Brandon Lockerby
Amiable Lugumire
Tanya Mahoney
Janelle Malech
Eric Martel
Katie Martin
Suzanne Mathieu
Jennifer McCullough
Robin Nemeth
Joel Neufeldt
Carlee Penner
Ezra Reimer
Patrick Riddell
Tyler Shields
Richard Toews
Raelyn Voulgaris