One month in and I’m happy to report that we’ve had a smooth transition back to school and everyone seems to be settling into a comfortable routine. I am very proud of our whole school community, in fact. Our students have done an excellent job of following the Covid protocols and guidelines and, although there are still various challenges and stressors, things are going well. Our teachers have been working hard to help students adjust to their environment and make school a positive experience. They are also monitoring the well-being of students to ensure they feel safe and supported, while still maintaining a focus on learning.

I would also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to parents and families for your encouraging words and support over the past month. You have been gracious and patient as we work through various issues and make plans for what lies ahead. I realize that the “learning at home days” can be difficult for many students and that there are added pressures on parents to support their children in new ways. We are doing our best to keep everyone on track and communicate accordingly but please let me know if there’s something specific you’re struggling with. 

I have been trying to get into classrooms as much as possible to check out what’s happening. There are some great projects getting underway, books being read, music being made in new ways, lab experiments being done, math conversations being had, art being created, and so much more! Yes, there are many things that we can’t do right now, but there is still a lot of good stuff going on. Our current circumstances are certainly not ideal but I am encouraged by how things have gone so far and am optimistic about the school year.

All the best and take care,

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