Hello NHS Parents,
School is in full swing and we have settled into a regular routine. Soccer season is already wrapping up with our boys’ team heading to provincials this weekend and volleyball is well underway. A big thank you to our community coaches and teacher volunteers for helping out. Various extra-curricular clubs have also started up and we are looking forward to our first Showcase of Learning happening tomorrow evening for our grade 9 students.
Here are a few things to take note of . . .
Student Progress
We are halfway through Term 1 already. I would like to remind parents that if you have any questions surrounding your student’s progress, or school life in general, please reach out to the teachers. They will be able to answer any questions or concerns you may have about what is happening in their learning environment on a daily basis. We value open communication and want to be accessible to our parents. Teacher email addresses are available on the school website at nhs.hsd.ca.
NHS Online Clothing Store
Check out our online clothing store, now open 24/7! We will be having a few Panther Pride days this year so now’s your chance for your students to get a t-shirt, hoodie, or even a toque for those upcoming cold weather days. Here’s the link https://nivervillepanthers.entripyshops.com/
University of Manitoba Open House
Grade 12 students are invited to attend the Open House on the evening of October 25. Deanna Wiebe, our school counsellor, will be taking interested students on the bus. Please check out the daily announcements on our school website for more details.
Cell Phone Guidelines & Expectations
It is important that we provide a safe and productive learning environment for our students and responsible use of technology is an imperative piece to achieving this goal. In an effort to minimize distractions and maximize learning, it is our expectation that students keep their cell phones stored away during class time in a locker or backpack. They may only be used in the classroom/learning environment when given permission by the teacher. If parents need to get a hold of students during class time (ie. messages, pick-ups, emergencies) we ask that you call the school and we will relay the message. The NHS Responsibility Use of Technology document is attached for your review.
Tournaments at NHS
We will be hosting a few sports tournaments throughout the year and are fortunate to be able to utilize the CRRC for additional space. Just a reminder that when tournaments spill into the school day, student athletes are excused from their classes in order to participate, but all other students are expected to attend their classes as usual. Depending on the game schedule, there may be some opportunities for a class or two to cheer on their fellow classmates. Students on spare may go into the gym to watch but students may not skip classes. This also applies to the CRRC, which acts as an extension to our school during these events. Students are very welcome to come watch in the evenings or on Saturdays.
Thank you for your continued support. Feel free to contact the school at any time if you have any questions.
Email: nhs@hsd.ca
Phone: 204-388-9761
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