Spring has sprung! Or has it? Oh well, it’s bound to warm up eventually! As we approach the final stretch of the school year, I encourage you to stay engaged and connected with your child’s progress. Our teachers and staff are here to support your child’s learning journey, and we value open communication between home and school. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback. Report cards will be issued later this month.

Here are a few things happening this month . . . 

2024/25 Course Selection

Course selection for next year will take place during the month of April. Our school counsellor will begin to visit classrooms to explain the selection process and review course requirements and options. Grade specific emails will also be sent to parents with details and deadlines once we are ready to formally begin the course selection process.

The 2024/25 Student Course Guide is available on our school website under the student tab for those who want to review course offerings and descriptions. You may also contact Deanna Wiebe at dwiebe@hsd.ca with any course specific questions you may have.

Showcase of Learning – Thursday, April 11

We are pleased to invite you to our spring Showcase of Learning on April 11. The evening will run from 5:30 – 7:30 pm and learning will be showcased in a variety of subject areas throughout all the grades. This is an excellent opportunity for parents to see what happens day-to-day in terms of the learning process and content focus. This event will be student-led to allow parents and students to come and go between classrooms throughout the evening.

Solar Eclipse – April 8

A total solar eclipse is set to occur on April 8, 2024, between approximately noon and 3pm Central Standard Time, spanning from Southern Ontario to Newfoundland and Labrador, with the rest of Canada experiencing a partial eclipse. Manitoba will experience an approximate 50 percent occlusion eclipse. This is an awe-inspiring event that will draw the gaze of people; however, there is a risk of permanent vision damage if proper precautions are not taken. Even a brief look at the partially eclipsed sun can result in permanent damage. Please visit the HSD Website for more information on Safety Measures and Viewing Guidelines.

School Fees

Just a quick reminder to pay any outstanding student fees for the year. Online payments can be made by logging into the HSD Parent Portal, or cheque and cash payments may be made directly at the school office. We would really like to clear up all accounts by the end of June. Thanks so much for your attention to this matter.


April Dates to Remember

April 15 – Administration Day (no school)

April 22 – Grade 9-11 24/25 Course Selection Begins

April 22 – Term 3 Report Cards Issued


That’s a wrap for April news.

Take care 🙂

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